Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My first post i guess...what to post eh what to post...hmmm..okay youtube is allowing animes of NAKED girls but thats old news and isnt really a topic...hmm i took mc again lol i've been taking mc every week for 2 days since one of'em only costs like $4 and u gotta take advantage of that...ok i got it! Last week i was going home from skool with some friends and i started jokin bout how 1 of'em had an evil lookin face...well i said he had an evil-lookin pervetic face but SCREW THE DETAILS!! and then they talked back sayin my nose looked like a dick? lol funny but the security guard heard us (we walking out of school) and gave us a lecture...then the dicipline master appears and gives me detention for saying my friend had an evil face (like i said,nvr reveal real details!!) and then i go like BLOODY HELL YOU TWIT well i didnt really say that but ...heck..okay post ends here i got nth to say and i'll post again when somtin intresting happens

signing off,

Flaire4Life was shot at 3:29 AM